
commence phase one

So phase one: I have to make sure that I have not a lick of un-real food in my house. Or as PCOS Diva calls it, "de-junking your kitchen". 

Pfffttt...easy schmeasy. I've been eating real food for quite some time with only a few cheats. Sometimes I let Boogie (my adorable son) give me puppy eyes and I get him an occasional junk treat. Hmmm, at most I'll have just a few things lying around, leftover from the non-baking I do.

I used the rules of real food and what food I can't have with PCOS:

1. No ingredients I cannot pronounce.
2. No more than 5 ingredients.
3. No high fructose corn syrup.
4. No artificial sweeteners/colors/flavors.
5. No nitrates/nitrites.
(There are more: check out PCOS Diva and/or 100 Days of Real Food to see a complete list of Real Food Rules.)

Ha!!! What a dose of reality! When I used my rules list- reading every piece of food in my house, I came up with this:

HOLY SMOKES! Seriously? Wow! That is a lot! Some of the foods are the leftover baking items from the few times I baked in the past, a lot of condiments (not many that don't have junk in it), diet items, convenience powders (like dip mixes), and cereals that have way too many chemically-type ingredients to even consider keeping. 

CONFESSION: I kept the regular ketchup as I mix it with my homemade ketchup to ease Boogie into getting used to homemade ketchup.
SURPRISINGLY: I got to keep my ice cream (nothing bad in it! Yay!) and blueberry pie!
IRRITATINGLY: I realized that Hubby got non-iodized salt. Ugh.

Side Note: I don't recommend it but I ended up cleaning out my fridge as well (I mean soap, water and vinegar with a sponge and bucket cleaning ) so it took me an hour and a half to de-junk. Just toss the food, don't make it complicated like I did.

Phase One Complete! I celebrated with blueberry pie and ice cream. Boogie got mad because his blueberry pie was hot but he HAD to eat it right then and there and couldn't wait. Yeah, that was a fun meltdown. 

Take a minute and look at the ingredients in your food- you might be surprised what's in there!


Copyright (c) 2012 Joy-Jasmin Brunnelson
All Rights Reserved


Stacie said...

I have done the same in the past...then I wonder,"Why did I buy that anyway?" If it was a spontaneous thing we would have used it right away, right? Makes me so mad how much money I spend on things that won't be used.....

2WildThingsMama said...

I hear ya! I'm really bad about splurge spending when it comes to food! It's a habit I'm trying to rein in. :)