

I find it ironic that I decided earlier this week to name this post "tornado" to discuss the whirlwind of events that have happened to me in the past month and then today, we have a tornado warning issued. 

I live in Maryland, not tornado alley- so this is NOT a regular occurrence. I feel like the real tornado took the fizz out of my pathetic rant I was planning about my recent diagnosis of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and the crazy impact it has on my health, life, and realization that the one child I have is a miracle child. Pfffftttt....like a balloon losing air. Post #1 = fail.

In other news, as I sit here in the dark typing away on what I had hoped to be a very exciting first post...my son is playing on his iPad and laughing very loudly (he got a new app). It's a little distracting. But he's cute, so he gets a pass. Yes, I realize that it's 12:30am. Yes, he's only 5. Yes, he's in my bed. Yes, yes, yes... I know.

Welcome to my world.

Copyright (c) 2012 Joy-Jasmin Brunnelson
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

I know a few ladies with PCOS who have conceived children with and without the use of medication. Hang in there Momma!! I look forward to reading more :)

<3 Erica

2WildThingsMama said...

Thanks for the encouragement Erica! I'm still navigating this. I learned when I did my research with autism that it seems so much scarier when you do all the research so I'm hoping women will chime in and help me out as I go along... :)

Mama Mags said...

No matter how many children, you are an amazing mama. Watch the waves. Life is a wave. Each is exquisitely unique. Each has power beyond belief. Sometimes they are full of jellyfish. Sometimes they will take you by surprise and THROW YOU ON YOUR ARSE. Sometimes they will knock you arse over teakettle. And sometimes they APPEAR perfect. They are all BEAUTIFUL, They are all POWERFUL, They are all AMAZING. And they each shape the shore, like a mother shapes a child. Ride the wave my friend, it's all that is expected of us.

Anonymous said...

Joy- two of my good friends overcame PCOS to have children- one with the aid of IVF and the other with metformin and chlomid- not "natural" per se, but worked for them. I hope you find something that works for you and your family too! Great blog! Becca

2WildThingsMama said...

Thanks Becca! Every word of encouragement is so amazing to hear! Please keep following!

2WildThingsMama said...

Maggie- you have been at the beach too long! Lol. But you're right every answer can be found in the world around us. In all seriousness, I love the reference and THANK YOU! You are a fabulous Mama yourself!!

caygraymomma said...

Meh- I see a happy little boy. Who cares what time it is or where he's sleeping. Happy kid, that's the big picture. Mwah momma.

2WildThingsMama said...

Awww, Lisa- you always make me feel better! Thanks Mama and besos right back 'atcha!