
30 days of autism: day 2

Boogie always doesn't feel well when a new tooth comes in. Right now it's the adult front tooth and the baby hasn't come out. It's not loose enough to pull either. I took a pic of it but my phone camera stinks and it's blurry. I asked him if his mouth hurts and he said, "yeah it feels gummy". :( 

This is the photo that I was able to get...went to the dentist's office to show it to them. They still don't want to pull it... it looks so painful to me!

Well you all know about Javin's dinner (fish nuggets) and usually for lunch he has PB&J but I was out of bread so I made homemade "spaghetti-o's". He gobbled them up when I made it last week and today he doesn't touch it. Argh!! 

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