
and by "tomorrow" i meant "tuesday"...

**Please note that you should consult your doctor before using any of these herbs. You also should work with a holistic health coach or herbalist for proper dosage and uses (i.e., tinctures, teas, etc.). This article is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.**

There are two herbs I want to focus on today specifically for women with PCOS and/or fertility issues. 

The first is Shatavari, also known as "hundred husbands" and is used for reproductive health. 

This herb promotes fertility, helps regulate menstrual cycles and ovulation, relieves anxiety and stress, helps heal vaginal tissue and cervical inflammation. It is great for energy and libido. It also supposedly helps to improve the production of milk in nursing mothers but I've also read in other articles that it should not be taken by pregnant and nursing mothers. Again, this is where you should consult an Herbal Practitioner to make the best decision for your situation. 

The second herb I want to focus on is Licorice. 
Not the candy! Licorice can help decrease testosterone in women with PCOS. You must avoid high doses if you have high blood pressure. This herb helps increase the production of stress hormones when they are too low. 

There are several other herbs that women in general should include in their diets but these two specifically are amazing for balance and to help the difficult symptoms that come along with PCOS.

(c) 2012 Joy-Jasmin Brunnelson All Rights Reserved

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