
really? the 'r' word, again? (sigh)

So, I didn't want to get into this...it's just a person who will never be swayed to seeing how nasty they really are and so I chose to focus on MY SON rather than the hurtful words of someone I'll never meet or will never interact with my son. In fact, I chose to share this blog because they really do share my view on this matter- that feeding the troll only makes it worse.

But, my word. 

Her initial insult was repulsive but her response to the insult is reprehensible. My stomach *literally* hurts. This is when I can tell that too many people have turned their backs on God. Because those who embrace God's values would not treat people this way. 

These people who stand in filth, spew it out and dare people to respond to the stench they emit. It amazes me how they get through their days. What pain is in their lives? What is it that she has gone through to throw out so much hatred? 

I don't even know that I have any more words to say. 

I'm hugging my son a little tighter tonight. Encouraging him a bit more than I would normally and making darn sure that he knows how fully he is loved. 

(c) 2012 Joy-Jasmin Brunnelson All Rights Reserved


2WildThingsMama said...

I don’t think the worst thing that could happen to me
is raising a child with special needs.
I think the worst thing is to raise a child who is
cruel to those with special needs.

- Unknown

Erica said...

Thanks for the share! Energy flows where attention goes. Ann Coulter is a vile woman who deserves no more of our attention.