
30 days of autism: day 5

He still looks like he's a baby when he sleeps. So sweet...then his eyes open and I gotta hit the ground running to keep up with him. 

Oh the morning we've had! I told you I'd have to hit the ground running. What a grump-a-lump I had this morning! I'm creating a folder to house some select drawings and stuff for his Kindergarten year. On the front it has the year, his teacher, and some lines for memories. It's a print-off form. So I asked him casually this morning, "who's your best friend Javin?". "No one. I don't have best friend." "Aw, why not?" "Because I don't like people. Except you. And Dad too" (heartbreaking) Then later he developed a pretend cough so that he could stay home. And then he was mad because he remembered that he is on a substitute school bus while the other one is in the shop. It's been in the shop for the past few weeks but he's still mad about it! Welcome to Friday morning.

Look what we got in the mail today! Javin was so tickled to see himself on a piece of mail! For more information on the 12th Annual Autism Summit of Northwest Ohio, please click here: http://outreach.bgsu.edu/autism2013/


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