
food, glorious food

I know it's June. The middle of June. But I don't care. I still want chowder. Mmmm...chowder.

But I have to be so mindful of everything I eat now. When I was ignorant about having a disorder, then maybe I could've gotten away with having "whatever...I just want to eat this" type of days. But now? Now KNOWING how bad the bad food is and how it is in my hands to delay the diabetes and heart disease that is likely to come...I can't. I can't allow myself to eat the crap any longer. 

So, how do I have a bowl of yumminess? I just have to be mindful and every ingredient counts. So, potato chowder...here I come!!

Real potatoes. Real corn. Real carrots. Uncured bacon with no nitrates/nitrites. Unbleached flour. Real stock. Organic milk. 

It was more money out of pocket than buying a can of pre-made chowder. 

But I'm worth it, don't you think?
That is a yummy bowl of chowder!

(c) 2012 Joy-Jasmin Brunnelson All Rights Reserved

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